4.18 操作员信息维护
实现功能的关键代码为: Private Sub MMButton_XPBE2_Click() '修改密码 Dim tmprs As New ADODB.Recordset Dim strresult As String Set tmprs = ExecSql("select * from czyxx where czydlm='" & Me.Text3(0).Text & "' and czykl = '" & Me.Text3(1).Text & "'") With tmprs If .RecordCount > 0 Then strresult = Exec_SqL("update czyxx set czykl='" & Trim(Me.Text3(2).Text) & "'" _ & "where czydlm ='" & Trim(Me.Text3(0).Text) & "'") If strresult <> "OK" Then MsgBox strresult Exit Sub End If log = InsertOperateLog("修改操作员密码", "成功") frmMain.gczykl = Trim(Me.Text3(2).Text) Unload Me Else MsgBox "原密码输入错误" End If End With End Sub