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来源:xiaoniu168.com 作者:JSP 添加时间:2011-09-16 点击数:53530


摘  要

博客信息管理系统致力于为广大用户提供优质的互动交流平台,提高网站的知名度和访问量,从而获得为企业提供更多产品介绍及展示的机会,提升自己网站的价值。为了满足博客信息管理系统的要求,实现系统静态与动态页面的相互分离,系统采用JSP+JavaBean+Servlet和SQL Server2000数据库相结合的开发模式。



The blog information management system is concentrates on high-quality interactive exchanges platform for a large number of users, increasing the visits and making the website more and more famous, thereby can acquiring for the opportunity that business enterprise providing more introductions and shows of products, promoting the value of the website.Satisfy for the functions of blog information management system, achieving the system's static page separate with dynamic page mutually, using JSP+ JavaBean+ Servlet with the mode of development that the database of SQL Server2000 combine together.
The paper discusses the background of development of the system and the design of the target first, and introduces the tecknique which used to develop simply.In the analyse of system, proceeded the simple analysis to the model of the system, made sure the operation process of the system, proceed the analyse to the system, ensure that under the current term, developing blog information management system is feasible. At the foundation of requirement with the analyse result, proceeding the providing of the function module of the system. Follow, designing the database model, including the data flow diagram, entity relation diagram and data tables. during the design and realization of the system, making sure the development thought of the system and install the environment of development,at last show the design details with realize finally an a key for of detailed design with realization, and analyzed the program which relate to the system module.
After debugging and running ,it shows that the system can satisfy with users to create personal blog.

Keywords: MVC,Design Patterns,Knowledge sharing,The Blog Information Management System

〖资料来源:计算机毕业论文 www.xiaoniu168.com



