
来源 作者:本站原创 添加时间:2012-03-23 点击数:33268


Educational Administration Platform——
The Design and Development of Student Information Management Module
Student Information Management Module of educational administration Platform is a typical Management Information System (MIS) .It includes two parts which are DB (database) and front application. DB should meet the demands of integrality, consistency and security. Front application should meet the demands of the application function maturity, interface friend and easy use etc.
Due to the university management’s demand, the development platform is Microsoft .NET Framework2.0, and the system is implemented in and Microsoft SQL Server2005. The system has the functions of the user management, student register, student transfer and student muster roll search and print etc based on B/S mode. For the sake of protecting the codes and data, we use a middleware between front pages with DB. This system meets the demands of efficiency, no paper and network of the Student Information management, progresses the quality and efficiency of educational administration management in Higher Schools.

Key words: Educational Administration Information Management; B/S; ASP.NET; .NET Framework2.0




