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来源:xiaoniu168.com 作者:JSP 添加时间:2011-09-23 点击数:25221


摘 要
随着企业规模的扩大,设备管理系统将发挥越来越重要的作用。高效方便的设备管理系统,可以为生产经营提供坚强的后盾和有力的支持。设备管理系统主要提供一个设备业务及其作业管理的信息存储和检索系统。通过入库管理、出库管理、报表生成管理、设备人员管理、设备位置信息管理等功能模块来实现设备的综合管理。本论文以标准的设备管理模式为蓝本,基于Java EE开发出一个可以用于一般单位的设备管理系统,实现了设备管理的高效性与安全性。本系统可以方便快捷地实现库管理中的货物登记、出库入库、库房管理等操作,使企业的设备管理井井有条,为企业的健康发展创造良好的条件。

关键字:设备管理系统,Java EE,模块化设计,软件工程

With the continuous economic prosperity and accession to the WTO after the market environment changes, the production and operation of enterprises have set higher requirements, enterprises must comprehensive utilization of advanced manufacturing technology, the Internet and information technology, improving the existing production Business model and organizational structure, in order to win more market competition in the share.
With the expansion of business scale, warehouse management system will play an increasingly important role. Facilitate the efficient warehouse management system, can provide a strong production and management backing and strong support. Warehouse management system to provide a major warehouse operations and its operations management information storage and retrieval system. Through storage management, to the management, report generation management, storage management, storage location information management module to achieve integrated management of the warehouse. This paper to the warehouse management standards based on the model, based on the Java EE can be used to develop a unit of General warehouse management system, warehouse management to achieve the efficiency and security. This system can quickly and easily achieve the management of goods registered to the stock and the treasury management operation, the enterprise storage management orderly, for the healthy development of enterprises to create good conditions.

Key words: Warehouse management system, Java EE, modular design, software engineering

〖资料来源:计算机毕业论文 www.xiaoniu168.com





