2. XsxtList(学生选题信息)

其代码如下: Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load '在此处放置初始化页的用户代码 If Not Page.IsPostBack Then Dim cnn As New Sql2000DB Dim tmpda As New DataTable Dim strQr As String '如果当前这个学生已经有了选题信息 则显示否则的话 显示学生信息 tmpda = cnn.GetData("select * from Send_StudentBY,Send_Student,Send_TeacherTM where Send_StudentBY.tmid=Send_TeacherTM.tmid and Send_StudentBY.xsid=Send_Student.id and Send_Student.id='" & Session("id") & "'") If tmpda.Rows.Count > 0 Then Me.txtXm.Text = tmpda.Rows(0)("ID") Me.txtBykt.Text = tmpda.Rows(0)("xm") Me.txtZddf.Text = tmpda.Rows(0)("bj") Me.txtPjdf.Text = tmpda.Rows(0)("tmmc") strQr = tmpda.Rows(0)("qrbz") Else tmpda = cnn.GetData("select * from Send_Student where Send_Student.id='" & Session("id") & "'") Me.txtXm.Text = tmpda.Rows(0)("ID") Me.txtBykt.Text = tmpda.Rows(0)("xm") Me.txtZddf.Text = tmpda.Rows(0)("bj") End If '显示所有可以选择的毕业设计题目列表 Me.DataGrid1.DataSource = cnn.GetData("select * from Send_TeacherTM,Send_Teacher where Send_TeacherTM.jsh=Send_Teacher.id and Send_TeacherTM.qrbz<>'教师确认'") Me.DataGrid1.DataBind() If strQr = "教师确认" Then Me.DataGrid1.Columns(4).Visible = False End If End If End Sub
〖资料来源:计算机毕业论文 www.xiaoniu168.com〗