
来源 作者:本站原创 添加时间:2011-11-03 点击数:25375


摘  要

目前, 随着社会的快速发展和进步,银行住房贷款已成为一种热门业务,随之而来的是如何对银行贷款客户的有效管理。本课题要开发一个基于网络的银行住房贷款客户管理系统,可通过客户管理系统为银行管理工作人员提供客户有效信息,使银行管理人员即管理员与客户之间建立紧密地联系,以保证客户能够得到专业化的服务,管理人员能够得到准确的信息支持,将使管理员与客户之间建立良好的交流平台。本系统的开发,主要使用了Visual studio.net2003作为系统开发环境,并采用了以B/S体系模式的ASP.NET前台开发工具,使用C#语言,以SQL Server2000为后台数据库的开发体系结构。银行客户管理系统为客户提供准确的信息、快速的查询方式和良好的安全性,可以更好地利用信息技术提供及时准确的管理,来提高管理员的效率和水平,减轻管理员的工作复杂性,也可以为客户提供便捷。

关键词:银行住房贷款客户;信息管理系统;B/S体系模式;ASP. NET


With the rapid social development and progress, Bank of housing loans has become a hot business now, after which, the problem impending is how to manage the bank's loan customer effective. This paper is to bring out a network-based bank housing loans customer management system, which can offer effective information for bank’s worker, besides, bridge a closing relationship between bank and customers, so as to ensure customers professional service. System worker can get support of accurate information, making a good communication platform between them .This  system , mainly based on the Visual 2003, and use the Browser-Server Model ASP.NET prospects, in C # language, SQL Server 2000 database under the development of architecture. The customer management System for the Bank system is able to provide advantage precise information, the convenience inquiry method and the good security for users, so that it can provide the prompt accurate management and improve manager's efficiency, which will degenerate manager's complexity, and also convenience to the customers.
Key Words: Customer for the Housing Loan Bank; Information management system; B/S system pattern; ASP. NET




