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来源:xiaoniu168.com 作者:JSP 添加时间:2011-09-29 点击数:28886


摘  要

关键词:  音像制品出租管理;信息管理;jsp

With the development in modern small library management system, how to quickly and easily provide users with services, enhancing the utilization of other issues become more prominent. With the network, the library management and user interaction between a e-platform will greatly enhance the management of small and medium level of library management and modernization.
Library management system is designed to tend to this end, the main achievement of the five functional areas: one. Book inquiries, check books, check books can be the current status and related information; two. Lending management, including the lending library, and Books returned to the management; three. library management, the main stacks of the management and implementation of management books, including the stack room of the building and removed, new books, book storage and waste removal, etc.; four. member of management, is a member of loan for information and Management; five. system management is a system of rights management. 
System design using JSP database development tools and SQLSERVER2000 to develop the library management system. Library management system to be solved to solve the problem of library management to meet the basic requirements, including add, modify, remove management. System according to user needs, provide readers with fast and convenient loan services.

Key word:  Literature management system;Information management;JSP

〖资料来源:计算机毕业论文 www.xiaoniu168.com



