
来源 作者:本站原创 添加时间:2011-11-24 点击数:24395


摘    要
为了满足新时代对大学生日益提高的要求,也为了使大学生报名缴费更加方便、快捷、公平,此系统应运而生。系统在Microsoft Visual Studio 2005的软件开发环境下,运用ASP.NET Visual Studio开发工具和SQL server 2005数据库技术设计完成的。系统选用的开发软件是ASP.NET,采用结构化设计思想。系统说明书介绍了报名系统的开发初衷和背景,系统的开发工具,结构化开发的具体步骤,其中包括实体-联系模型,数据流图,功能结构图等必要的图形说明。
关键词: SQL Server; ASP.NET;报名缴费

In order to adapt to a new era of increasing demands on the students as well as to improve the application so that students more convenient and efficient, fair, and this system came into being. This system in the Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 software development environment, the use of ASP.NET Visual Studio development tools and SQL server2005 database design completed.The development of systems software is the choice of ASP, the development of the use of structured design. System specification describes the development of application systems and the original background, system development tools, the structure of the concrete steps of the development, including entity - relationship model, data flow diagram, functional structure, such as the need to explain the graphics.

Key words: SQL Server;ASP.NET;Application fee




