
来源 作者:本站原创 添加时间:2014-10-30 点击数:40241



Based on practical real estate management information system development, the essay develops a series of complex marketing management system, aiming at dealing with the problems in large-sized shopping center, electronic business center and trade market. By using Delphi6.0, Access on Windows XP platform, this system has the functions such as friendly human-computer interface, search, display and lying in of information. The development of real estate management system mainly includes: development of application program of leading end; establishment and maintenance of backstage database. The former requires multifunction and easy use while the latter demands a consistent complete and safe database. The development application tools are adopted in the design of the management information system adopts Delphi6.0. The stored data is the most important resource of the system and Access on Windows is at reasonable price as a tool to develop of small and medium systems. What’s more, the database is safe and integrated, which meets the requirements of this software. This system adopts system bottom database and realizes the development and maintenance of back stage database. It performs such functions as addition, inquiry and deletion of management information date as well as access to database by using SQL.

Keywords: The market manage, Manage information system ,The system develop





