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来源:xiaoniu168.com 作者:本站原创 添加时间:2014-12-06 点击数:44309


摘  要
本软件的前台设计由Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2005实现。利用Access用户界面工具进行数据库的创建和管理。本系统界面设计大方、简洁、实用,操作简单方便,是一款完全适合普通小区物业日常事务管理的软件。软件设计综合了具有一定代表性的多家物业管理公司的业务模式和需求。能实现房产、客户等小区的智能化管理,可以提高物业管理的效率。
【关键词】小区物管;物业管理;物业管理系统;Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2005 ;Access

The paper describes the design and realization of Property Manage System.
The foreground of the software is carried out by Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2005. Using the Access customer interface tool to create and manage the database. This interface of the system is generous, practical, with simple operational method, and it is also a software complete suiting the common Property business management.It synthesizes the requirement and business mode of many property management company in designing precess.It can realize the management of  house property, customer in a small area of inhabitancy. And increase the efficiency of the  property management.
【Key word】: area property management; property manage; property manage system, Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2005 ,Access

〖资料来源:计算机毕业论文 www.xiaoniu168.com



