5.1 系统主界面介绍在IE里运行本系统,出现系统的主界面,包括系统登陆、紫砂壶类别、紫砂壶信息显示列表三大模块。
核心代码如下: protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Page.IsPostBack) { if (Session["User"]!= null) { this.txtUName.Text = Session["User"].ToString(); this.loginout.Style.Add("display","block"); this.btnUpdate.Visible = true; } else { this.loginin.Style.Add("display","block"); this.btnUpdate.Visible = false; } //拼合商品类别字符串 DataTable tmpda = new DataTable(); if (Request.QueryString["LX"] != null) { switch (Request.QueryString["LX"]) { case "QX": tmpda = DataBase.Get_Table("select * from 紫砂壶分类 where 所属类型='器形' and 上级分类编号 is null "); break; case "ZX": tmpda = DataBase.Get_Table("select * from 紫砂壶分类 where 所属类型='局部造型' and 上级分类编号 is null "); break; case "ZSYJ": tmpda = DataBase.Get_Table("select * from 紫砂壶分类 where 所属类型='装饰研究' and 上级分类编号 is null "); break; case "SLYJ": tmpda = DataBase.Get_Table("select * from 紫砂壶分类 where 所属类型='砂料研究' and 上级分类编号 is null "); break;
} else { tmpda = DataBase.Get_Table("select * from 紫砂壶分类 where 所属类型='器形' and 上级分类编号 is null "); } if (tmpda.Rows.Count > 0) { strSplb = ""; for (int i = 0; i < tmpda.Rows.Count; i++) { //添加大类别 strSplb = strSplb + "<>"; string strTmpLx = ""; strTmpLx = "" + " " + tmpda.Rows[i]["分类名称"].ToString() + "<>"; &nb,sp; , strSplb = strSplb + strTmpLx + "
〖资料来源:计算机毕业论文 www.xiaoniu168.com〗