Research methods and design ideas
1.3.1 Research Methods
Member Information management is the process of business process information industry is one of important and essential part in the information industry business processes which play a linking role, its importance is self-evident. However, there are a lot of information industry in the process of specific business processes still use manual way to implement, not only time-consuming, laborious, inefficient, and can not achieve the desired results. In response to these problems, the development of the use of software engineering principles, process specifications based on software process, in accordance with needs analysis, outline design, detailed design, program coding, testing, software applications, software maintenance process to develop a membership management system. Using JSP as a development tool, combined with Microsoft's sqlserver2000 database, database design follows the three paradigms, the main design of the basic payment information table, Member basic information table, the basic consumer information table, the table management system user passwords and other data tables. Membership management system to solve the existing data security, data consistency and system speed and so on.
1.3.2 design ideas
(1) information management system should meet the membership requirements, industry stakeholders to meet the information needs of daily use, and to achieve operation of the intuitive, convenient, practical and safety requirements;
(2) The system is modular program design, both for various combinations of system functions and modify, but not involved in the development of technology to facilitate the maintenance personnel to add, maintain;
(3) The system should have the database maintenance functions, and timely data according to user needs to add, delete, modify, backup and other operations;
(4) maximize the use of existing software environment and advanced management system, open the program to achieve the full use of existing resources, improve the level of system development and application of the effect the purpose.〖资料来源:计算机毕业论文 www.xiaoniu168.com〗