
来源 作者:本站原创 添加时间:2014-12-10 点击数:23825


In recent years, along with the business enterprise the competition of each other is gradually vigorous; the information technique occupies the more and more important position in the development of the business enterprise. In automobile sell business enterprise, the vehicle files management has become one necessary part of the business enterprise operation process, provides the important basis for the governor to carry on the management decision and carried on various management activities. The vehicle files management is the foundation of the automobile sale business enterprise software system, only after feeding the basic file data of the vehicle and customer, then can carry on the follow-up expenses, insurance, the trouble of management etc. But in the vehicle files management system currently, the part exist problems that the customers carry the operation complications and database safety is not high. Therefore, the work gives the managing person of the file many inconvenience and the repetition operation.
This literary grace adopts the Web technique of, together with the Sql server 2000 databases, develops a set of vehicle file management system. This system expands sex good, be easy to the maintenance. It simplifies the vehicle files design process; do away with the redundancy information. The information-based management of all files can complete the whole sale and after the automobile sale business enterprise sell through this system, complete the works easily, such as increase search and maintenance etc. Therefore see advantages such as the huge and saving space of the exertive calculator, the high ability of the performance processing, high dependable data safety, and clear to turn the data etc. to let business enterprise carried on the management by the vehicle files, carry out the exploitation of the calculator resources reasonably. It really carries out the purpose of decreasing the labor force and exaltation the quantity of the labor.
Keyword:, the ability of process, web, safety of data






