
来源 作者:本站原创 添加时间:2011-12-21 点击数:24756


Along with the endless benefits of agricultural policies, agriculture is undergoing rapid change, income of grain farmers more and more enthusiasm, but because the plant is susceptible to various pests and diseases, often sick plants, wilt and death situation, leading to cut, which will lead to reduced income farmers, the enthusiasm of grain also decreased. How to make friends of farmers to better prevent a variety of plant diseases and insect pests, we came up with all the record all plant pests, allowing users to remotely view the network model of the relationship between their crop pests, to better prevention the idea of pests and diseases, so we developed this plant pests online inquiry system.
The system uses ASP.NET technology as a way to create applications to C # as the programming language, using SQL Server database as the backend database. It is based on Browser / Server structure formed under the data-driven Web applications. The system basically followed the methodology of software engineering, systems analysis, design, detailed design and software testing. Administrators realized a variety of pests and diseases to maintain the information, the user mode remote login using the system resources to provide the pest, pests and diseases find themselves in need of preventive measures and so on.

Key words: pests and diseases; plant; database; ASP.NET; c #




