
来源 作者:本站原创 添加时间:2011-12-12 点击数:27881


The system of management of supplying financial bills by the government based on Web
--the subsystem of management of supplying financial bills
Abstract  With the rapid development of technology, e-government,   enterprise informatization, e-commerce, become more and more widely used and mature. However, the processing of bill informationization is not match to the speed of informatization development; the subsystem of management of supplying financial bills is needed. This article mainly introduced the design and development of the subsystem of management of supplying the financial bills. The system includes six function modules: bill purchase management, bill audit management, bill print management, bill inventory management, bill refund management, sales report management. The administrator of financial bills and units are available to complete the relevant operation to the bills and the financial bills can be systematic managed. This system is based on the Browser/Server structure, using c #, . NET, SQL Server 2005 and currently popular three-layer development mode, which almost supply the basic requirement of bill management. In addition, the technology adopted in this system and the problems encountered and the solutions used in the process of developing are also introduced in this paper.

Keywords  financial instrument management, SQL Server 2005,




