
来源 作者:管理员 添加时间:2011-10-13 点击数:30962


摘    要
“房产” ,在当今社会里是一个极其敏锐的话题,房产商一夜暴富,已不再是神话,楼价日新月异,炒楼者得意洋洋,没钱者垂头丧气。此时,地产商遍地开花,房屋经纪人,这个新名词由此诞生,其主要职责:客户跟踪服务,销售代表应对累积潜在客户进行随时跟踪回访,并正确详细记录于客户接洽表内,以主动出击的精神,争取有效客户,促进销售。销售代表有责任对已成交客户进行售后服务工作,根据客户订购条款内容、特殊情况与专案组其他成员共同完成合同签定、催款、特殊事项协调等售后收尾工作,并确保工作的时效与质量。销售代表有责任对流失客户进行统计与分析,并从中发现自身的操作问题,自主的加以改进,不断提高销售技能与销售质量. 钻研业务,努力学习案场其他人员的销售特点,提高自身业务水准.,.维护专案组团结,发挥团队合作精神,增强互相之间的销售配合,积极进行业务技能的交流,共同进步,以公司利益为最高目标。与专案组外其他部门或单位取得良好沟通,步调一致,顾全大局,协同解决问题等。

"Real estate", in today's society is a very sensitive issue, property developers overnight, is no longer myth, the building property, fry triumphant, have no money to the depressed. At this time, the developer blossom, houses, this process was born agent, its main functions: the customer service, sales representatives should follow any potential customers are cumulative and correct tracking back to clients detailed records within the table, with the initiative spirit, strive for customer, promote sales. Effective Sales representative is responsible for client already clinch a deal the post-sale service work, according to the customer order clausal content, special cases and other members of the complete astonished, contract, special matters coordination responsible after-sale ending work and ensure the quality of work with aging. Sales representative is responsible for customers on statistics and analysis, and discover its operational problems, independent improved, and constantly improve the quality of sales and marketing skills. Studying business, study hard case of other personnel, improve their business sales and maintenance level. Astonished unity, play team cooperation spirit, enhance mutual cooperation actively, the sales of communication skills, make progress together, and with the interests of the company for the supreme goal. With the other departments or units astonished at the good communication and conformity, careless, collaborative problem-solving.
Keywords: Real estate brokers homepage, SQL2005, Dynamic web sites, ASP .NET 3.5; C #




