
来源 作者:本站原创 添加时间:2011-11-17 点击数:32850


摘  要
本系统使用Visual studio.net2005作为系统开发环境,并采用ASP.NET作为前台开发工具,使用C#语言,以SQL Server2000为后台数据库的开发体系结构。

关键字: ASP.NET  C#  SQL Server  物流配送管理系统
The computer network recent years high speed development causes the computer to play the extremely vital role in society's each domain. The structure physical distribution allocation management system can realize many customers based on B/S in the network platform to own documentary evidence management and processing, not only this reduced company's operation cost, also raised the working efficiency greatly. The physical distribution allocation company uses computer network this platform, carries on systematized, the standardized management to own each customer's data's each link, satisfies the customer the request.
This system uses the Visual 2005 to take the system development environment, and uses ASP.NET to take the onstage development kit, uses the C# language, take SQL Server2000 as the backstage database development architecture.
 has realized the customer submission waybill, the manager allocation of vehicles, after the cargo delivers the destination, produces meets the receipt, the customer period freight bill service function.

Key words: ASP.NET  C#  SQL Server  Physical distribution allocation management system




