
来源 作者:本站原创 添加时间:2011-10-20 点击数:27646



Abstract: With the rise of Internet technology, the use of the growing maturity of WWW technology, Browser combining multiple languages and technology, Browser / Server architecture gradually become Distributed Management Information System architecture of choice. With the arrival of the information Society, competition among enterprises increasingly strong, improve office efficiency of the implementation of Office Automation become a trend.
Browser-Server structure of the system, the user via the browser to the distribution network in the many server request, server to the browser request processing, customer information required to return to the browser. Document management is an enterprise or organization to retain and use their most important accumulation of assets -- an important means of documentation, An increasing number of government departments and large enterprises authorities aware of the urgency of this demand, and which did not hesitate to invest. In fact, this investment in the future of the enterprise or organization in an orderly and efficient operation, will be quickly multiplied returns.
Design and development of a practical working document management system to enhance its various internal document information management, personal document storage, management, backup, delete and colleagues document mutual transfer of functions, departments will be information and personal information for effective management and improve efficiency.

Key Words: B/S (browser / server); Documentation; Management; Database; Document storage types; Mutual transfer.




