procedure TfrmQuerySh.SpeedButton1Click(Sender: TObject); //组合查询条件,动态显示列表数据 var strGsgm:string; strYgrs:string; begin if self.ComboBox1.Text='全部记录' then strGsgm:='' else strGsgm:=self.ComboBox1.Text; if self.ComboBox2.Text='全部记录' then strYgrs:='' else strYgrs:=self.ComboBox2.Text; self.AdoTmp.Close; self.AdoTmp.Connection:=frmmain.ADOConnection1 ; self.AdoTmp.CommandText:='select shdm as 商户代码,gsmc as 公司名称,fzr as 负责人,spdz as 商铺地址,mj as 面积, gsgm as 公司规模,ygrs as 员工人数,fz as 房租, lxr as 联系人,dh as 电话,rzsj as 入住时间,bz as 备注 from sh '+ 'where gsmc like '''+ edit2.Text +'%'' and fzr like '''+ edit3.Text +'%'' and gsgm like '''+ strGsgm +'%'' and ygrs like '''+ strYgrs +'%'''; self.AdoTmp.Active:=true; self.DataSource1.DataSet:=self.AdoTmp; self.DBGrid1.DataSource:=self.DataSource1; end;
〖资料来源:计算机毕业论文 www.xiaoniu168.com〗