
来源 作者:本站原创 添加时间:2014-12-12 点击数:40701


Design and implementation on the teaching web of C language and examination system based on web

Abstract: This thesis narrated the teaching way and the test way history, the present situation, as well as ASP.NET language and the SQL SEVER2000 database management system survey. Introduced with emphasis on the C language teaching website, the net takes a test systematic and the online exchange module realization process :Including system analysis, system investigation, data flow analysis, functional design, database design, system movement environment, system test and debugging. This system mainly faces two kind of personnel to use: The manager, the ordinary student, they have the different jurisdiction. The test module use process is the manager increases the test question, the making sets the topic of a composition the rule, the production examination paper. The student registers the examination paper which the postselection needs to test then to enter the answer, after finished submits the examination paper, stores the database and grades. The system manager may inquire examinee's result, each examinee only can inquire own result. The teaching website module, the manager increases the teaching documents, and carries on operations and so on classification, revision to the documents, but the average consumer only can glance over the content. In the online exchange module, any users all may register the message, the manager may delete the message. Moreover summarized this system characteristic: Saves the teaching cost, enhances the test work the efficiency.   

Keywords: ASP.NET; SQL server; B/S; teaching web of C language; Examine system





