
来源 作者:本站原创 添加时间:2014-12-10 点击数:34411


Design and Implement of a B/S model System for
 Computer Rant Examination Management

Abstract: With the prevalence of the national computer rank examination, students in our campus take this examination twice each year, and each time it has about five thousand students .more or less. Simultaneously, before the examination, our college will organize corresponding assistant classes for it, so workload for .the management of the examination will be heavy. Therefore, in order to reduce the management staffs’ and the teachers’ work intensity , promote the efficiency of the Statistic, and facilitate student learning, it is necessary for us to develop a B/S model System for computer Rank Examination Management to content their working and learning needs.
This page has do actual needs analysis on status quo for the management of the computer rant examination. It is developed using ASP.NET technology and SQL Server 2000 database management system. This system is developed basis on the intention to facilitate student learning, teacher teaching, and staff managing. To develop a system has the functions including managing users and signing up of the assistant classes, publishing and inquiring information, and calculate the ratio who passed the exam, we consider in aspects as following: convenient for operating, friendly interface ,and easy to use.
  The main topics of this article are the background of development, significance of research, completed function, needs analysis, system design, particular design and user manuals etc.
Keywords: Computer grading examinations management ;ASP.NET; SQL Server 2000;




