
来源 作者:本站原创 添加时间:2014-11-20 点击数:32727


This text carries on the scientific assessment to enterprises, give the quantitative analysis to many factors that influence the investment of stock such as the macroscopical factor , trade factor , A great deal of factors inside enterprises,and give Comprehensive assessment of  enterprises that belong to steel or auto. It will make firm fundation for all the shareholders' direction of investing and capital security. It points out the importance of analysing the value of the enterprise investment. In this thesis, it describes the development process of the value analytical system of the enterprise investment. Through interchange with Xu JingZhen, Professor of The economic management in Hebei Polytechnic University, we carry on the Demand analysis to this system, set up the basic model of this system. On this basis, we carry on the detailed investigation about the analyzing process of the enterprise investment, put forward the principle of the system design and the designing methods.
This text detailed the demands analyzing, system analyzing, system designing, system realizing, running etc.
Keyword: the value analysis of the enterprise investment, quantitative analysis, Comprehensive assessment




