
来源:xiaoniu168.com 作者:本站原创 添加时间:2012-04-05 点击数:21019


The Implementation of Internal Mail System Based on .Net
Email has already become the most commonly used of communication in daily life, and various of internal information communicating platform for email service also applied into lots of industries. This thesis mainly talks about and analyzes into the designing and developing of an internal email system, explains in details of the theoretical realization, functional structure and systematical developing. This internal email system which developed by Visual Studio and .NET 2005 is constructed under B/S structure, and with the joint help Access database HTML, ASP.NET and C#. This system has accomplished the goal of sending and receiving emails, meanwhile sending and receiving attachments and pictures is supported too. Additional it also can read emails in in-box and sent, delete mails abandoned and expired, help the users to store and manage their personal information, so this system can be considered completely as an information communication platform for all users.
 Key words: Internal Mail; Mail Management; ASP.NET

〖资料来源:计算机毕业论文 www.xiaoniu168.com



