
来源 作者:本站原创 添加时间:2011-12-10 点击数:28285


Into the twenty-first century, with the rapid development of all walks of life, people on power, increasing the demand for fire to fire and other incidents have occurred constantly, to the human losses caused by the indelible, the increasing fire as people awareness, fire prevention materials have been listed as springing to people faster and more convenient to buy refractory products, we developed this refractory sales site.
   The system uses ASP.NET technology as a way to create applications to C # as the programming language, using SQL Server database as the backend database. It is based on Browser / Server structure formed under the data-driven Web applications.
   The system basically followed the methodology of software engineering, systems analysis, design, detailed design and software testing. Site administrators realized the company released information on a variety of refractory materials, the customer through the registration of the model to the system log to order refractories, to the site under the order, the administrator receives and processes member orders and so on.

Key words: Refractory; shopping cart, order, ASP.NET C #




